Youth Sports Leagues
We currently offer 4 different sports leagues for children in grades Pre-K through 6th grade. In the Fall (August-October) we offer a Soccer and Flag Football League. In the Winter (December-February) we offer a Basketball and Cheerleading league.
Sports Camps
We currently offer a 4 day long youth basketball camp in June. This camp last from 12pm-4pm and is immediately after our VBS in the morning. We feed campers lunch, do a devotion with them, and do a combination of basketball drills and competitions to improve their skill set.
Adult Recreation
Throughout the year we offer multiple recreational activities for adults to participate in as well. These activities include pick-up basketball, co-ed and men's softball, pickleball, volleyball and golf outings. We strive to use these activities to build community and to take care of our bodies through exercise.
Weight Room
Our Christian Life Center (CLC) is equipped with a weight room. This room includes a combination of free weights, machines and other equipment to assist you in your workout. This facility is open to church members free of charge. Contact to get more information and to schedule use.
Soccer & Flag Football League
Season: August 15 - October 26
Registration Closed
Soccer: 4 years old - 6th grade
Football: 1st grade - 6th grade
Cost: $60
Basketball and Cheer League
Season: November- February
Register now by clicking HERE!
Ages: 4 years old - 6th grade
Cost: $60 for basketball & $70 for cheerleading
Pickleball Open Gym Nights
Every Tuesday
Open gym from 6pm-9pm
Any age welcomed! Equipment Provided!